CSX+ fonts & cross-platform email exchange

Jaap Pranger yaap at XS4ALL.NL
Fri Jun 18 22:06:26 UTC 1999

On Thu, 10 Jun 1999 Jaap Pranger wrote:

>Windows and Mac versions of the CSX+ fonts seem to have
>identical encodings, in contrast to what is usual.
>Data based on CSX+ fonts, when exchanged across platforms
>through email, gets scrambled due to the usual automagical
>MIME re-encoding.
>Any workarounds for this problem?

Andreas Prilop provided me with an elegant solution that works
quite well with the Eudora mail client on a Mac.

<Andreas Prilop>

Get Eudora Standard Tables
from any Info-Mac mirror.

For outgoing mail, deselect any transcoding ("transliteration").
For incoming mail, select "Repair ISO-Latin-1".

For background information, see also

</Andreas Prilop>

This is the table that does the trick:

# "Repair ISO-Latin-1"
Repair (i.e. restore) an incoming message that has been converted
automatically but incorrectly from ISO-Latin-1 to MacRoman.

Jaap Pranger


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