
Lars Martin Fosse lmfosse at ONLINE.NO
Sun Jun 13 21:40:30 UTC 1999

> I found something on the name Zarathustra.  David Frawley in his
> book "Gods, Sages and Kings" writes (on page 223):
> "The name of Zoroaster, the founder of the ancient Persian religion,
> is traceable to Sanskrit Hari-dyut-astra, the beautiful light of the
> star."
> Any comments on this?

Yes. Frawley is not a reliable source, and his etymology of Zarathushtra is nonsense. The last part of the word is ushtra, which means camel. Unfortunately, I haven't got access to my "Iranian" books, and I don't remember what the first part of the word means, except that it is probably a verb. 

Let someone else come to the rescue here.

Lars Martin Fosse

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