Secular South Asia

Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG
Sat Jun 12 14:20:11 UTC 1999

Vidyasankar Sundaresan wrote:
> Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic <a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG> wrote:
> >Just today I have seen several messages concerning Auribindo and
> >Dayanand who, as far as I remember existed later than Ottoman empire.
> Ah, but both these people had something to say about Indologically
> pertinent topics - the age or meaning of the Veda, the Aryan homeland etc.

Please do not keep changing your argument like a chameleon. The question
was about the recentness only and not about the Vedas etc. Many postings
concerning these individuals that I have seen just did not discuss Veda.
The Khilafat movement was very pertinent to the relationship of muslim
attitudes to the indological studies at the time.

Have a peaceful and joyous day.

Aditya Mishra
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Random thought of the day:
        Ambition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy.

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