
Venkatraman Iyer venkatraman_iyer at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Jun 1 01:09:22 UTC 1999

>I would like to co-exist on this list with Vaidikas and other
>traditionalists, but for obvious reasons I do not want to argue with >them.

I agree with George Thompson.

Like Daniel Baulm pointed out, any list would not take off
like D. Wujastyk's INDOLOGY list. This is an wonderful place,
India being so vast and varied, with multitude of traditions
and texts in a long time depth, a wealth so big that no one
can handle it alone.

Considering that career/monetary opportunities are few
and far between for those in Sanskrit and to a great extent,
Tamil, this is a good meeting ground for the rare birds in
any University campus. Let us all join hands,
leave out our -isms, and solve many good old problems
hindering our way to understand ancient India.

Greetings to all.

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