One Reference/Post Proposal

Aditya, the Hindu Skeptic a018967t at BC.SEFLIN.ORG
Wed Jul 7 22:06:09 UTC 1999

birgit kellner wrote:
> Samar Abbas wrote:
> >  One method of increasing the academic quality of the list is to impose a
> > requirement that each posting must contain a CITATION from a full REFERENCE.
> In addition, I suggest that each posting must contain at least one footnote for
> every 40 characters (excluding punctuation).
> "The origins remain misty"
> (H.N. Randle, "Indian Logic in the Early Schools", OUP 1930, p.1).

I disagree with both of them if this is the type of footnote they have
in mind.
I fail to see what is relevance of the reference and why does one have
to read some one else's opinion however irrelevant it may be, in order
to be able to post his/her own views?
Is it not "you scratch my back and I will scratch your back" philosophy?
To me this appears as another form of spamming by trying to sell some
else's books or works and nothing else

Does the study of Indology has been degraded to the level where
recitation of old writers in the tradition of 'Praman' and Treaties is
the only justification for scholarship? Is there anything wrong with
some one doing own study of original texts etc. and proposing a new
insight? To be considered a science with the suffix 'logy', Indolgy,
like any other field of scientific study, must allow freedom of inquiry
no matter how heretical it may be. Each opinion has to be judged on its
own merit.

Even if some one makes a facetious posting, most keyboard are fully
equipped with 'del' key. Just because a message has been posted does not
mean that it has to be answered by every  one else.

Have a peaceful and joyous day.
Aditya Mishra
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Random thought of the day:
        Just sliding down the razor blade of life.

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