Astronomical names for AsterismsII:Was-Hindu new years day

Swaminathan Madhuresan smadhuresan at YAHOO.COM
Thu Jan 28 22:39:01 UTC 1999

For 'siva mahAdeva, never being born is maintained in
Tamil tradtion all along.

tEvAram or any other 'Saiva tirumuRai does not treat 'Siva
as a child. Cilambu calls 'Siva as "piRavA yAkkaip periyOn2". -
ie., the Great God who is never born and hence eternal.
In the 100s of piLLaittamiz prabandhams, almost every God
or King is eulogized as a baby. But, except 'Siva.

On the contrary, see the beautiful passages of Rama
or Krishna as a baby in AzvArs. There are 10s of
piLLaittamiz works treating many phases of Vishnu/TirumAl
as a child.

Is there a reason why Tiru ONam is not the natal star of viSNu?

NaccinArkkiniyar apparently thinks so. (cf. Chandra's quote).

Swaminathan Madhuresan

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