SV: creation of human kind

Mani Varadarajan mani at SHASTA.STANFORD.EDU
Thu Jan 21 20:49:59 UTC 1999

>          From the description given in "108 vaiNava Divya tEsa varalARu"
> of "tiruvallikkENi" which I posted earlier, one cannot conclude that the
> vEnkaTakrishNA
> is related to pArthasArati. Neither the history of that temple nor the
> image of the mUlavar helps you in this regard.

It is true that the utsava-mUrti is known as Parthasarathy.
However, from Tirumangai Alvar's paasuram (which is the
basis for this discussion), it is clear that the deity within
the temple was regarded as "the one who stood in front of
Arjuna's chariot".  I fail to see how this means that the
mUla-bEra is different from the utsava-bEra in identity.

> From my reading, the sthala-purANa itself in no way denies
that the mUla-bEra was known as Parthasarathy to the Alvars.
I see no other possible explanation for the lack of weapons
on the mUrti.


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