A clarification (D. Sinor)

Klaus Karttunen Kjkarttu at ELO.HELSINKI.FI
Wed Jan 13 12:19:49 UTC 1999

On  8 Jan 99 at 14:06, N. Ganesan wrote:

>       Sinor has a lifelong interest in seeing how the West
>       learned about the East from medieval times. I have:
>       1) D. Sinor, Western information on the Kitans and some
>       related questions. JAOS, 1995
>       2) D. Sinor, Foreigner-Barbarian-Monster
>       in Th. Bowie, East-West in art, Indiana UP, 1966.
>       Regards,
>       N. Ganesan

I hoped somebody better informed  to comment on this, but apparently
it is not happening. Denis Sinor is an American scholar of Hungarian
origin and his main field of interest has been the history of Central
Asia (and more widely Eurasia). He taught long time at Indiana
University and is still working though old (born in 1916). The list
of his publications is very long and also includes linguistics (so-
called Altaic).

Klaus Karttunen

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