Sindhi history

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Tue Jan 5 15:58:48 UTC 1999

Dear Dr Dhada,
I am forwarding your message to the INDOLOGY list.

Dominik Wujastyk

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 27 Dec 1998 18:59:28 +0000
Cc: Mustafah Dhada <dhada at>
Subject: Re: -- No Subject --

On Fri, 25 Dec 1998 17:03:27 -0500 Mustafah Dhada <dhada at>

> I have recently joined the list and therefore am new at this. I am
> conducting research on migration patterns of Sindhis stretching as far back
> as the eleventh century. My particular interest is migration emanating from
> Sindh itself in and around Hala outward bound into the southeast and or
> thence overseas. If you have any bibliographic pointers and ideas as to
> archival and or primary sources I would appreciate an e-buzz. Rather than
> clog the list with responses I would suggest that perhaps respondents use my
> dhada at address. I will eventually collate the information in a
> synthesis and post it for others to view and critique.
> One possible source I thought useful to prove to pin this topic to the
> impirical wall was to deploy genealogical records. I am however, not aware
> that such things do exist and if they do how accurate are these records
> likely to be in the context of apocrypohal orality or in terms of
> telescoping distortions of records set to paper years after the event.
> M. Dhada., FRSA, D.Phil(Oxon),
> Associate Professor
> Graduate School of International Affairs and Development
> Clark Atlanta University
>           3360 Archwood Drive, Atlanta, Georgia 30340
>   Telephones: (Home) 770 939 1698; (Office) 404 880 6669
>      Fax: (Home) 770 939 4755; (Office) 404 880 6676
>                Home e-mail: dhada at
>                     Office e-mail: mdhada at
>                    __________________________
>                         Motto: Nunquam Dedere!

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