SV: The Aryans (again); 19th century discourse.

Lars Martin Fosse lmfosse at ONLINE.NO
Tue Jan 5 09:27:16 UTC 1999

> I wonder if Dr. Fosse, or anyone else well-acquainted with this subject,
> would summarize for new list entrants, like myself, as to how this topic
> achieved closure. In selectively reading the archives it appears to me that
> more facts are needed for closure since both competing theories have
> deficiencies.

I would suggest that people interested in the matter simply start by consulting
the literature on the subject. The Indo-European question is a vast field. A
great many books have been published in the field, and two new books are coming
up this year that will - hopefully - clarify matters even more (I am thinking
of Edwin Bryants book on Indigenous Aryanism and another book on modern
migration theory. Madhav Deshpande would have the bibliographic details on the
latter). Bibliographic references abound in the material in the Indology
archives. Writing a summary for the list would be a humongous task and would
clearly break the limits for these postings.

> Barring any new findings, this topic could be treated as a dormant subject
> but definitely not a closed one. Any thoughts? BTW, I am not a scholar but
> would like to be one.

The subject is of course not closed, but the discussion here on Indology list
between Indigenists and Migrationists has reached an impasse.  People are more
or less repeating the same arguments over and over again, and this means that a
pause is called for.  Cooler heads produce better thoughts. I cannot, of
course, tell others what to do, but I don't intend myself to spend more time
discussing this subject on the list for some time to come!

Best regards,

Lars Martin Fosse

Dr. art. Lars Martin Fosse
Haugerudvn. 76, Leil. 114,
0674 Oslo
Phone/Fax: +47 22 32 12 19
Email: lmfosse at

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