Kashmir, Tamilnadu, Panini, Abhinavagupta, etc.
narayana at HD1.DOT.NET.IN
Thu Feb 25 18:13:29 UTC 1999
I want to correct some points mentioned in ganesan-parvata.html posted
on the indology website. It appears its name has been changed by the list
owner as that of Palaniappan.
>This is not correct. We have clear evidence that the name zrI-parvata was
used >to refer to the specific zaivite site zrI-zaila from
>several Sanskrit sources such as subandhu�s vAsavadatta which associates
zrI->parvata with mallikArjuna. bhavabhuti�s
>mAlatImAdhava, bANa�s harSacarita, harSa�s ratnAvaLI and somezvara�s
kathAsarit >sAgara also associate zrI-parvata with
>zaivite/tantric practices. Also Tamil tEvAram of the 7th century
identifies >zrIparvata as a zaivite site as shown below.
I have already given inscriptional evidence that nAgaArjunakonda is called
Sriparvata in my posting on jan 31, 99. The relevent portion is given below
In the time of ikSvAku kings what is now called nAgArjunakoNDa could have
been known as siripavata. In one of the inscriptions obtained here it is said
"ziripavatE vijayapuriya puvadisAbhAgE vihArE culadammagrIyaM
EI, vol XX, No.1
When there is clear evidence that nAgArjunakoNDa the buddhist center is called
Sriparvata there is no necessity of refuting other highly speculative things.
>When the local people simply refer to "the mountain", it is the local
mountain >whatever its name is. But the situation is very different when it
comes to >reference by a person at a location far from the mountain. He/she
>have to refer to the mountain by the full name.
In Andhra people do not use the term parvata to indicate a hill or mountain.
It is too heavy a word for common man. They use "koMDa" or "guTTa". The usage
is "Tirupati koMda" or "yAdagiri guTTa". The word parvata is used for
Sriparvata only. When they want to say that they visited Tirumala they say
"koMDaku pOyoccinAM".Not "parvatAniki pOyoccinAM".
>Even if the Tamil and Kannada zaivites might have used it after the advent
of >the bhakti cult, at the time of bhartRhari (5th
>century AD), there is no evidence that for any Sanskritist outside the
zrI->parvata region, parvata meant zrI-parvata. Even in the
>Kannada region, in the fifth century, there is no evidence for the use of
>parvata to refer to zrI-parvata. Also one should note
>that one of the later Kadamba capitals was called "triparvata" and a term
>"parvata" could not have been specific enough to
>avoid confusion. If this was the situation in Karnataka, there is no
>possibility of anybody living near Nasik using "parvata" to
>refer to zrIparvata. On the other hand we have clear epigraphical evidence
>showing that the Andhra mountain was called
>zrI-parvata in the time period we are interested in.
There is a town called bhaTTiprOlu near the Krishna Delta. bhaTTi is supposed
to be the vikriti of bhartRhari. bhaTTiprolu means the village of bhartRhari.
There is Buddhist stupa and Buddha Dhatu pEtika has been discovered. we
have rumours that bhartRhari was a buddhist for some time. There is a
that bhartRhari could be a native of this place in Andhra.
In addition to this Fa-hsien's monastery in South India which he calls as
PAravA or PaRavaTa can be due to wrong pronunciation of "pavata".
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