Advaitam and other schools of VedAnta

Petr Mares erpet at COMP.CZ
Tue Feb 16 22:46:38 UTC 1999

> Sarvam buddhimayam jagat - the whole world is ideal - is found in the
> source of the YogAcAra views - the LankAvatAra SUtrA itself. Asanga and
> VAubandhu, too take the same line. There’re obvious problems with this
> theory, which ShankarAcharya attacks.

Dear Nanda Chandran

May I ask where in Lankavatara have you seen this sentence, or do
you mean it just generally carry this worldview?


Petr Mares
Petr Mares
Lengqie Research
Hlavacova 1163
182 00, Prague 8
Czech Republic
Tel: 420-2-2422-9755
email: lengqie at

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