Upanishads, MahAyAna, Advaita
Balaji Hebbar
bhebbar at EROLS.COM
Sun Feb 14 02:08:41 UTC 1999
Nanda Chandran wrote:
"I don't think the MAdhyamika would fall in that category. The
VaibhAshikas and SautrAntikas are the realists who insist on the
existence of the outside world independent of consciousness. For the
former only the underlying elements of existence (dharma) is real. The
latter insist everything including the dharmas are momentary. The
Yogacarins (VijnAnavAdins) deny the empirical world and insist that
consciousness is all (sarvam buddhimayam jagat). The MAdhyamikas or the
ShUnyavAdins deny ultimate reality to both the empirical world and the
consciousness, which perceives it, since both exist only in relation to
each other. They are as their name indicates - the Middle Way."
I agree. (B.N.Hebbar) Also, I would like to add that even
within the YogacArins, it is only Vasubandhu's "version" that
is closest to Shankara's Advaita. The Svatantra-VijnAnavAda of
Dinnaga, DharmakIrti etc. fall back on the old momentariness
doctrine and it is this "version" of YogAcara that Shankara
criticizes in his comm. on the BrahmasUtras. (B.N.Hebbar)
Nanda Chandran wrote:
"The Upanishads also decry all difference. So if these theories are
taken to their logical conclusion, we have Advaitam, which insists
BrAhman alone is real and all difference is unreal (mithyam)."
I disagree. To say that the Upanishads teach AdvaitavAda
uniformly is purely a subjective opinion. It all depends on
the interpretation. As objective scholars we should not tow any
"party line". The RAmAnujite and Madhvite interpretations of the
Upanishads (to say the least) have shown us all too well that
the Advaitic interpretation is by no means the only "valid
official" interpretation. I am NOT saying that RAmAnuja or
Madhva are right and Shankara is wrong. Only that, as true
Indologists we MUST accept all reasonable interpretations as
possibilities. Therefore, the Advaitic system as far as it can
be traced, with some historical validity, begins with GauDapAda
at best and NOT with the Upanishads or the other two
prasthAnas. That is precisely what VedAntic scholasticism is all
about. I, together with my panDit teacher, have attended
several tarkasabhAs in India where the traditional panDit
community from all three principal schools of VedAnta have
extensively argued for several days on "goodies" like "Tat tvam
asi", "Sarvam khalv idam brahma", "neha nana'sti kincana" etc.
All I can say is that neither is the problem an easy one
nor the solution. Each sticks to his school of thought with
great resourcefulness and tenacity. However, all leave the sabhA
in peace and friendship!!! This has happened over the
centuries. And it is this that must be admired. Even the
royalty in the ancient times who patronized these scholars
politely (and rightly so, in my opinion) remained neutral when
these tarkas took place in their courts. On such example was
the reigning NAyak of Tanjore in the 1500s had Appayya
DIkshita (Advaita), TAtAcArya (VishiShTAdvaita) and VijayIndra
TIrtha (Dvaita) in his court. At the end of the debate the
king (it is said) remarked: "how can I choose between the
three Vedic fires?" In this light, Nanda Chandran's words:
"So it may be that it's actually VijnAnavAda, which is prachanna VedAnta
and not the other way around."
cannot be accepted. By the way, it was BhAskara (the only
major non-VaishNava commentator of the BrahmasUtras, besides
Shankara) who said that Shankara was a pracchanna Bauddha.
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