Transliteration fonts: "extra" characters

Fri Dec 10 00:10:51 UTC 1999

Dr Smith wrote:
> If there are special characters that you would like to be able to
> please let me know. When I have a list of people's requirements, I
> to release a set of fonts in perhaps a week or ten days from now.
> (Initially they will be available for PC only: sorry, Mac users.)
> time to time, as I receive further requests, I will make new
versions; but
> it is obviously sensible to try to accommodate as many requirements
> possible in the first release.

This is excellent news.  At times I work with combinations of
Sanskrit, Chinese, Tibetan and Mongolian in the same text so I often
need to combine other romanized Asian languages with Sanskrit but
always have problems with customized fonts because of the characters
they overwrite.  In particular, I wonder whether a full set of tone
marks etc for Pinyin could be included/retained:

a/i/u/e/o + acute
a/i/u/e/o + grave
a/i/u/e/o + macron (part covered by Skt)
a/i/u/e/o + inverted circumflex (I don't know the correct term for
u + umlaut + each of the above four.

Also it would be nice to have a lower-case Greek gamma included as it
is standard for academic use in Mongolian -- saves cutting and pasting

I realize that people like me are in a small minority but .....

Best wishes,
Stephen Hodge

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