Transliteration fonts: "extra" characters

John Smith jds10 at CAM.AC.UK
Thu Dec 9 11:04:43 UTC 1999

A lot of people use my Norman and CSX+ fonts. Each of these encodings
gives access to a wide range of accented characters useful for work with
Indian languages in transliteration, but from time to time I receive a
request for some special "extra" character.

I have decided to meet these requests by creating a set of supplementary
fonts. These will use the same underlying typefaces as the existing ones,
so that printed output will not show any discontinuities. To emphasise
their supplementary nature, they will be called CARB, standing for
Character/Accent RagBag. The idea is that you would do most of your typing
in, say, Times Norman or Palatino CSX+, but that when you needed
z-underdot-macron-acute you would switch to Times CARB or Palatino CARB.
The CARB fonts will retain the normal ASCII characters in the first 128
slots, so it would be possible to continue typing "normal" text in them,
but to access the more conventional accented characters you would have to
switch back to Norman/CSX+.

If there are special characters that you would like to be able to use,
please let me know. When I have a list of people's requirements, I intend
to release a set of fonts in perhaps a week or ten days from now.
(Initially they will be available for PC only: sorry, Mac users.) From
time to time, as I receive further requests, I will make new versions; but
it is obviously sensible to try to accommodate as many requirements as
possible in the first release.

John Smith

Dr J. D. Smith                *  jds10 at
Faculty of Oriental Studies   *  Tel. 01223 335140 (Switchboard 01223 335106)
Sidgwick Avenue               *  Fax  01223 335110
Cambridge CB3 9DA             *

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