ThirujnAnasampandar and JainAs

Periannan Chandrasekaran perichandra at YAHOO.COM
Thu Dec 9 17:00:02 UTC 1999

--- Somayaji Rajagopala <SSRVJ at AOL.COM> wrote:

Could you make your effort worthwhile by using better formatting like
indentations and smaller (rather much smaller) paragraphs please?

> Mahaathmiyam" .The book purports to describe 64 Leelas(Thiruvilaiyaadal)
> enacted by Lord Somasundareswara(Siva) in Madurai. But Acharya Sankara  talks
> about 64 "Tantras" of Lord Siva in Soundarya Lahari. Acharya Sankara�s period
> is at least 400-500 years before sri.Sambandar�s period.
If you are referring to the so-called Kaladi Adhi Shankaracharya, you must be
mistaken. Are you asserting that he was extant ca.1-2 century CE, instead of
the standard 8-9th century CE period assigned to him which is a few centuries
after Sambandhar?

P. Chandrasekaran.


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