Was: Date of RV

Robert Zydenbos zydenbos at BIGFOOT.DE
Thu Dec 2 12:32:35 UTC 1999

On Tue, 30 Nov 1999 21:27:55 PST, Vishal Agarwal wrote:

> I am appalled that Dr. R Z continues to post such pathetic messages.

Dear Mr Agarwal: Could you please elaborate on what is "pathetic"?
That I speak out against Dr. Elst's double standards / misquoting /
lies etc.? Do you have a problem with that?

> I would infact urge forum members to read his recent posts at the
> RISA-L forum in response to a Ms. Nair which shows the fanatical
> Christian attitude of Dr. RZ. (confirming doubts raised by others in
> this very forum)

I wouldn't at all mind if people go and have a look and see how hollow
your complaint is. You could have added, for the sake of fairness,
that Ms. Nair failed to answer my queries, merely posted more
lengthy propaganda and thereupon was reprimanded by half a dozen
list members (also with very Hindu names; see the thread "Enough is

"Fanatical Christian attitude"? Please substantiate. Show some
proof. Also please check your dictionary for the meaning of

The FACT that I am not and have never been a Christian should
underline that you should think twice before going public with
reactions like the above. (You could have known this, since I
mentioned this fact on this list in a message to a Ms. Bose. Perhaps
your reading, like your indignation, is too selective?)

But I am concerned about determining the truthfulness of statements
and maintaining fairness in discussions (is this what you meant by
"pathetic"?) --also where Christians are concerned, and also though I
am not one myself. This is possible. Again, you can consult your
dictionary for the meaning of the word "fairness", since your next
statement indicates that you do not know it yet:

> My own personal assessment is that it was Dr. Zydenbos who UNFAIRLY
> brought Nazis into this dispute in the first place. So why blame Dr.
> Elst?

Unfortunately it seems necessary to repeat, in the face is your
misrepresentation: it was not Elst, but N.S. Rajaram; Elst attempted
to defend Rajaram, refused to answer pertinent questions, and has
still not bettered his ways, as I mentioned recently. If you are fair,
you will have a look at the evidence in the _Indian Express_ and on
the following website, which quite plainly shows how far off the mark
your "personal assessment" is:


As for Elst and Hitler and Elst's review of Deshpande / Bronkhorst:
here too modern technology is helpful. Just go to Elst's website,
click to get his review, then search for "Hitler" (in Netscape you can
easily do this with CTRL-F), and behold. Is that fair enough?

Elst demonstrated his lack of substance last September, when he
failed to substantiate his attempted defence of Rajaram and attack
on me. I invite you, in fairness, to reply to the answers that Elst
refused to answer, rather than pontificate with a subjective "personal
assessment". (I am hereby assuming that your recent message,
from which I quoted above, was not just another juvenile shout-and-
run exercise, like the one on October 26. Please show us whether
we should take you seriously or put you in the same category with
Dr. Elst.)


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