Rejoining members

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Sun Aug 1 00:40:09 UTC 1999

Some INDOLOGY members who had been posting to the list at too high a
frequency, or at too high a volume, were suspended from membership last
month.  Today, 1 Aug, they are welcome to rejoin the list.

The list has been ticking over at what I, at least, find a comforatable
and bearable level, i.e., at half a dozen or fewer messages per day.  It
is vacation time, so I imagine many members are getting their research
done, and may be away from their offices, in foreign libraries, etc.
Perhaps that partly explains the quietness.

I wish everyone the very best, and look forward to a continuation of the
list as a useful and unintrusive medium for scholarly exchange.

Dominik Wujastyk
Founder, INDOLOGY list.

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