Trilingual inscription from Sri Lanka

Venkatraman Iyer venkatraman_iyer at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Apr 27 00:33:12 UTC 1999

Surprising to learn that Paranavitana did not have an
undergraduate degree!

Coming to know of the problems, 'illnessses', etc.,
did he and his successors present the data about Tamils in
early brahmi inscriptions of Ceylon truthfully and adequately?
Have misrepresentations happened pre-1960?

Pali authors were working in Kaveri delta. After
the success of bhakti movements by Srivaishnava Alvars
and Saivaite Nayanmars, Tamil Buddhists would have
left for Ceylon from 6-7 the cent. and later, became Sinhalese
over time. Have the complex interactions between Ceylon
and South India looked into in Indological scholarship?

V. Iyer

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