event announcement via SARAI

David Magier magier at COLUMBIA.EDU
Fri Apr 9 12:51:51 UTC 1999

The following event announcement is being forwarded to your mailing
list or listserv from the EVENTS CALENDAR section of SARAI. Please
contact event organizers directly for any further information.

David Magier


                        CENTER FOR SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES
                      Sixteenth Annual Spring Symposium

                            AESTHETICS, POLITICS,
                                 AND SOCIETY
                         IN CONTEMPORARY SOUTH ASIA

                School for Hawaiian, Asian and Pacific Studies
                        University of Hawai'i at Manoa

                            April 15 - 17, 1999

                         All events will be held at:
                          Center for Korean Studies
                            1881 East-West Road
                        University of Hawai'i at Manoa

                          THURSDAY, APRIL 15, 1999

                8:45 - 9:00 a.m.   Welcome:
                Willa Tanabe, Dean, School for Hawaiian, Asian
                and Pacific Studies

                Opening Remarks:
                Sankaran Krishna , Director, Center for South
                Asian Studies

                9:00 - 10:15 a.m.:

                Sudipta Kaviraj, School of Oriental and African
                Studies, London

                "Gandhi's Trial Read as Theatre: A Study in
                Rhetoric in Politics"

                        10:15 a.m. Coffee Break

                10:30 - 12:00 a.m.  Session I:

                Chair:  Rama Nath Sharma (Indo-Pacific Languages)

                "'Mere Sojourners in the Land?': Indian Exhibi-
                tions and Anglo-Indian Public History,"  Peter
                Hoffenberg (History)

                "Dyer Consequences: Amritsar, Belfast, and the
                Legacies of the 'Minimum' Force Debates," Laura
                Lyons (English)

                "Thinking Through Orientalism: Representations of
                the 'Other' in India,"  Stuart Harten (History)

                                12:00 Lunch Break

                1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Session II:

                Chair:  Lynette Wageman (Asia Collection, Library)

                "Two Intercultural Approaches to Contemporary Indian
                Dance:  Chandralekha and Uttara Asha Coorlawala,"
                Sandra Chatterjee (Dance)

                "The Aesthetics of Early Buddhist Dance and the
                Portrayal of the Angahara," Amy-Ruth Holt (Art

                "The Sukumar Sen Manuscript Collection: Issues in
                Preservation,"  Rebecca Manring (Religion, Indiana

                        2:45 p.m. Coffee Break

                3:00 - 5:00 p.m.:

                Chair:  Brian Murton (Geography)

                Kapila Vatsyayan, Indira Gandhi Center for the
                Performing Arts, New Delhi

                "The Indian Arts:  Some Key Concepts in Theory and

                Respondents:  Eliot Deutsch (Philosophy), and
                Nancy Dowling (Art)

                          FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1999

                9:00 - 10:15 AM:

                E. Valentine Daniel, Department of Anthropo-
                logy, Columbia University

                "Narrating the Self in Late Modernity"

                         10:15 a.m.  Coffee Break

                10:30 - 12:00 a.m. Session III:

                Chair:  Laura Lyons (English)

                "Of Multicolored Ghosts and Polyglot Avatars:
                The Restructuring of the Post-colonial Discursive
                Space in Amitav Ghosh's 'The Calcutta Chromo-
                some',"   Jorge Fernandes (Political Science)

                "Anglo-Indians in Contemporary Calcutta" Kathleen
                Cassity (English)

                "What's the Use of Stories that Aren't Even True?
                Salman Rushdie as Storyteller:  Magic and Secular
                Transcendence,"  Kristen Kelley Lau (English)

                                12:00 Lunch Break

                1:15 - 2:45 p.m. Session IV:

                Chair:  Monica  Ghosh (Asia collection, Library)

                "Interpolations in Mahayana Buddhist Texts: Old Idea,
                New Idea or No Idea At all," Jan Nattier (Religion,
                Indiana University)

                "Changing Life of a Text:  Brahmanization of the
                Tulsi Ramayana,"  Ramdas Lamb  (Religion)

                "Illuminating India: How a South Asian Diaspora
                Helps Build a Hindu Nation," Himanee Gupta  (American

                                2:45 p.m.  Coffee Break

                3:00 - 5:00 p.m. Session V:

                Chair: Dharm Bhawuk (Business Administration)

                "The State of the Art and the Art of the State:
                Akbar's Ambition to Bridge the 'Realm and Religion' in
                the Arts and the State,"  Samia Rab (Architecture)

                "Look At Me!  Childrens' Geographies of Power in a
                Balti Village,"  Kathryn Besio (Geography)

                "Appealing to the Goddess of Justice:  A Case Study
                of Conservation of Village Forests in the Hill Regions
                of Kumaun," Safia Aggarwal (Geography)

                "Bureaucracy and Democracy in Pakistan," Akif Kashfi
                (Public Administration)

                        SATURDAY, APRIL 17, 1999

                10:00 - 11:30 a.m.:

                Lee Siegel, Department of Religion, University of
                Hawai'i at Manoa

                "Dance of the Serpent - Indian Snake Charmers"

                           ALL EVENTS ARE FREE
                            OPEN TO PUBLIC

                  For more information, please contact:
                  Safia Aggarwal, Moore 411, 956-2677

                  Sankaran Krishna and Safia Aggarwal

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