[Re: Indus Script -- sort of far off the point now]

Dr.S.Kalyanaraman kalyan99 at NETSCAPE.NET
Sat Sep 19 01:18:34 UTC 1998

>Jonathan Silk wrote: [snip]> Minor quibble: Kosambi edited the
>subhASitaratnakoSa (sic, correctly> romanized: in Skt. why capitalize O?  >I
can't understand that? Except> prosodically, it cannot be short ever...)
>along with V V Gokhale.[snip]

The lengthening of the vowel O appears to be correct in case we end up
digitizing Indian speech sounds. It is, unfortunate, that the Siddha Ma_tr.ka_
script did not an additional glyph to differentiate between short and long
'o'. The distinction is vividly preserved in scripts of all Dravidian
languages. (Of course, ancient scripts for Tamil economise on glyphs for
consonants). One has to hear the way 'Om' is uttered in almost all corners of
India; or how 'sOma' or 'asmi bhOh' are rendered.


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