CFP _International Journal of Hindu Studies

Sushil Mittal smittal at RELIGION.UFL.EDU
Fri Oct 30 13:23:56 UTC 1998

                           Call for papers

                           About the Journal

The aim of the _International Journal of Hindu Studies_ is to examine
Hinduism centrally and in a special way. It wishes to consider Hinduism
analytically and comparatively as a "form of life" as clarified by its
contrasts and similarities to other historical and present day forms.
This is to say that we will be less concerned with the intrinsic forms
of Hinduism and its history, as illuminated by philological and
descriptive studies.  Rather, our focus will be, on the one hand, on
Hinduism's adaptations to a wide range of historical circumstances and
ecological, economic, and political possibilities and, on the other, on
the Hindu forms that work "on the ground" in particular places and times
to generate special kinds of social, cultural, and psychological order
and problems.

        We consider this to be necessarily a comparative exploration and
welcome (and need) contributions from scholars in other fields who wish
to bring their own studies of religion, world views, theories of
modernity and pre-modernity, social organization and social control, and
so on, into dialogue with Hindu studies. We equally encourage South Asia
scholars to explore such perspectives in their own work.

        We wish to explore whether it may be productive to ask--in
addition to the descriptive "_What_ is Hinduism?"--the theoretical
question (or questions, for we expect there is a large and productive
set of answers) "_Why_ is Hinduism the way it is?"

        The Journal, therefore, invites submissions of a comparative or
theoretical nature in all fields of the social sciences and humanities
in the hope of furthering a dialogue that centers on one of the great
human creations, Hinduism, which differs in so many respects from the
religions and societies that have informed much of classical Western

        Articles falling within the broad and deliberately somewhat
vague boundaries we envisage will be chosen on the basis of the
quality, importance and general interest of the research, the force of
theoretical argument, and felicity of expression.  Three copies of the
paper should be submitted.

         _International Journal of Hindu Studies_ is a double-blind, peer-
reviewed journal, and all submissions are reviewed by at least three
independent reviewers.

        Completed manuscripts and inquiries about material for possible
publication should be sent to the Editor: Dr Sushil Mittal, University of
Florida, Department of Religion, 125 Dauer Hall, PO Box 117410, Gainesville,
Florida 32611-7410, USA. Tel: 352,392-1625; Fax: 352,392-7395;
Email: <smittal at>.

        Books for review and correspondence concerning reviews should be
sent to the Review Editor: Dr Carl Olson, Department of Religious Studies,
Allegheny College, Meadville, Pennsylvania 16335-3902, USA. Tel:
Fax: 814,333-8180; Email <colson at>.

        _International Journal of Hindu Studies_ (ISSN 1022-4556) is
published three times a year in April, August, and December.

        For information on subscriptions and/or advertising contact
World Heritage Press, Journals Department, 1270 St-Jean, St-Hyacinthe,
Quebec, Canada J2S 8M2. Fax: 450,771-2776; Tel: 450,771-0213.

                             JOURNAL HOMEPAGE

Full details on the _International Journal of Hindu Studies_ can be found
on the Journal homepage at:

The site includes a statement of aims and scope, list of editors,
information for prospective contributors, reviewers, subscribers, and
advertisers.  Also includes contents, abstracts, and information about
authors for each issue as published, and plans for upcoming issues.


Currently the International Institute of India Studies and World Heritage
Press are engaged in a subscription drive on behalf of _International
Journal of Hindu Studies_. If you like what we are doing help us obtain
new subscribers. Please encourage your colleagues and students and PLEASE
GET YOUR LIBRARY to subscribe to _International Journal of Hindu Studies_.
Every subscription counts!!! Many many thanks in advance.

For further information, please send inquiries to:
        World Heritage Press, Journals Divison
        1270 St-Jean, St-Hyacinthe, Quebec, Canada J2S 8M2
        Fax 450,771-2776; Tel 450,771-0213


Dr Sushil Mittal
University of Florida
Department of Religion
125 Dauer Hall, PO Box 117410
Gainesville, Florida 32611-7410

Telephone       (352) 392-1625
Telefax         (352) 392-7395
E-mail          smittal at
IJHS Homepage

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