Diacritics for Romanised Indic text in HTML 4.0

Christopher Fynn cfynn at DIRCON.CO.UK
Sat Oct 17 17:52:39 UTC 1998

Subscribers to INDOLOGY who use diacritics for Romanised Indic
text on their web sites (or with Word '97) may be interested
looking at a page I've written on using these characters in
HTML 4.0 with the ISO/IEC 10646 character set:



- Chris

P.S. although I've been very careful on that page to use only
plain HTML 4.0, with no non-standard tags, and verified it -
Netscape 4 occasionally seems to have problems with this page.
IE 4 works fine.

If you have a browser which doesn't understand HTML 4.0
tags you should still be able to load the page, though
you won't see the Unicode characters used in the tables

<cfynn at dircon.co.uk>

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