"The Tale of the Indo-European Horse Sacrifices."

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal mcv at WXS.NL
Thu Oct 15 10:47:39 UTC 1998

"Dominique.Thillaud" <thillaud at UNICE.FR> wrote:

>>Dear Friends
>>Hope somebody can help!
>>I'd like to read a paper by Wendy Doniger, "The Tale of
>>the Indo-European Horse Sacrifices." in Incognita (Leiden)
>>1:1-15, 1990.
>>I've done a library search for the journal 'Incognita' at
>>a few institutions, but without luck.  So, if anybody does
>>know where I might be able to get my hands on the paper,
>>I'd really appreciate it.
>Well, I think no such journal exists, because "incognita" is just the Latin
>word for "ajnAtA". Probably, you must contact somebody at Leiden.

I'm in Amsterdam, where the publication is also "incognita".

But the on-line catalog of the Leiden U. Libr. yields:

Incognita : international journal for cognitive studies in the
humanities. -
Vol. 1, nr. 1 (1990) - vol. 2, nr. 2 (1991). - Leiden : Brill,
1990-1991. - 25 cm
Verschijnt 2 per jaar. - Niet verder verschenen.
ISSN 0923-7135 = Incognita (Amsterdam)

I'm sorry, I only have access to the Amsterdam (UvA) U. Libr., so I
can't help the original poster in a more practical way.

Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
mcv at wxs.nl

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