
Georg von Simson g.v.simson at EAST.UIO.NO
Wed Oct 14 13:46:58 UTC 1998

>Will anyone please send me the current adrresses of the following persons?
>W. Halbfass
>Van Bijlert
>Tillmann Vetter
>Lenn Goodman (Islamist)
>To avoid the incovenience to others please send the addresses not to the
>Indology list but to my personal email address below:
>n.rao at

The address of Lindtner is:

Christian Lindtner, Dr. phil.
Tovesvej 6
2650 Naerum, DENMARK

NB: Don't we agree that in cases like this, the answer should go to the
Indology list to avoid double responses? The inconvenience for the rest of
us is tolerable, is it not?

Georg v. Simson

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