learning Sanskrit
Ravi Khanna
sajeel at GIASDL01.VSNL.NET.IN
Sun Nov 29 08:21:52 UTC 1998
you should go about your study in stages :-
1. firstly get a couple of good dictionaries - like Sanskrit -Hindi kosh by
vAman shivrAm Apte : motilal banarsidas. Another excellent dictionary is
English to Sanskrit by Monier Williams : Southern publications, Madras.
2. Get a grammar text like - bR^had anuvAd chandrikA by chakradhar N.
Shastri : motilal banarsidas. A Sanskrit to English grammar text is A
higher Sanskrit Grammar by M.R.Kale : motilal banarsidas.
3. Decide which scriptures you really want to study. For sanskrit to hindi
translations pick up books on the upanishads and sUtrabhaashya from Gita
press, gorakhpur.
get going its great knowledge. Ravi Khanna
-----Original Message-----
From: Ashish Chandra <achandra at WNMAIL.WNDEV.ATT.COM>
Date: Friday, November 20, 1998 9:26 PM
Subject: learning Sanskrit
>I am trying to find a book which will enable me to learn Sanskrit well
>enough that I can read our scriptures without much need for translation. In
>other words, I would want to interpret them myself. I have studied 5 years
>of Sanskrit from grade 6 to 10th but have now forgotten most of it. Can
>anyone judge from my level which book will be best suited to learn Sanskrit
>or do I have to take instructions by enrolling in a school ? I would
>appreciate any help.
>Ashish Chandra
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