[Important REsults]

H.M.Hubey hubeyh at MONTCLAIR.EDU
Sat Nov 7 16:16:11 UTC 1998

S.Kalyanaraman wrote:
> Mark wrote:[snip]>Very recently two articles in Science News and Science bear>
> on some of these discussions.> 1. About 12,000 ya the sea levels were about
> 300 feet lower.> That means that the Persian/Arab Gulf was probably dry land>
> and ditto for the Red Sea. That means that the region comprising> the East
> Coast of Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and parts of
> > India were one contiguous land mass, at least a contiguous
> > coastline. The Tigris and Euphrates probably flowed into the
> > Indian Ocean. [snip]
> Recently? When, which issues of the journals: Science News and Science?
> Was it, in any way, related the continental drift which is dated to millions
> of years ago? How was the date ca. 12k years ago arrived at?

The Science article (about sea levels) was within a couple of
months maybe a few weeks. The Black Sea article was also very recent
but in Science News( a few months or weeks). The river in Arabia
is years old, but it was in Science News.

> Thanks. Kalyan
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Best Regards,
hubeyh at montclair.edu =-=-=-= http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey
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