Paired Horse and PIE breakup

Paul Kekai Manansala kekai at JPS.NET
Wed Nov 4 17:23:37 UTC 1998

N. Ganesan wrote:
 Why the horse ritual and
>      divine horse-twins myth are similar for a much greater time depth?
>      No evidence for such an effective horse complex evangelism
>      in second or third or seventh millennium B.C.

There doesn't have to be evangelism for horse rituals or chariots to
spread around.  If you look at the culture described by Gimbutas
it looks a lot more like recent and/or modern Altaic or Uralic cultures
than anything else. If you compare the Scythian culture described by
Herodotus and others with the culture of the Hun, Magyars and Mongols,
there are a great many parallels. Yet, it is suggested that these people
had different language associations.

>      If we must rely on solely on archaeology
>      and textual materials are irrelevant and myths/legends
>      cannot be compared, IE studies won't be where it is.

Well, I never said textual materials were not relevant. However, can
we base theories on the spread of languages on them?  I certainly
would not trust such theories.

We see Persians using cuneiform and Aramaic scripts that they borrowed.
Assyrians certainly had their own chariots.  These type of things
crossed linguistic and ethnic barriers.  So, I ask how do we know
the Sintashta or related cultures spoke Indo-European?

Why couldn't they have spoken languages related to Hurrian,
the Caucasian languages or Uralic (among others)?

Paul Kekai Manansala

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