SV: method of dating RV, III and Mitanni

S.Kalyanaraman kalyan99 at NETSCAPE.NET
Sun Nov 1 15:20:19 UTC 1998

Vidyanatha Rao wrote:> 3) Regarding the occurance of `Varuna' in the
well-known treaty:> The actual text reads urvan(n?)assil, with another version
reading> arunassil. urvana and varuna cannot both be traced to the same PIIr>
word [wrwa should be syllabified (in Sans. letters) as v.rva]. Diakonoff> says
that the development w- > zero is not knwon in any of the
> relevant languages. [Which is one reason why he rejects the idea that
> Mittani rules were proto-Indian.] And then there is the suffix ssil:
> Why were they swearing by ``those of Urvana, those of Mitra'', instead
> of just by Varuna and Mitra? What is the explanation of all this
> according to those who claim that Mittani's were ruled by a
> proto-Aryan dynasty? 
> >I will thank all those who answer in advance> and go back to lurking.

Before you go back to lurking, let me cite some specific issues:
The actual texts have: u-ru-ua-na-as'-s'-el, a-ru-na-as'-s'i-il
The s's'il/s's'el follow mitra and varun.a (or, arun.a). The guess by J.
Friedrich, Orientalia, vol. 12, p. 316 was that this suffix may be a
(grammatical) duality of each name (how relate to Hurrian s'in? meaning
'two'). -na is explained as Hurrian plural-indicating particle -na (Spieser).
It would be interesting to know if s's'il/s's'el occur in othe contexts in the
Hurrian documents. The next issue is why two forma are used for Varun.a; can
this somehow be treated as variants (apart from il, el variants) and related
to Hittie aruna- meaning 'sea'? In the context of the four names which are
clearly vedic, and the sea-trade across the Gulf with wherever mleccha or
meluhha was, would it be an unreasonable surmise to equate aruna with varun.a

On toponymy of ruler's names being in Sanskrit constructions, was there a
tradition to give a different name after anointing a prince to be a ruler in
the Near East or in Vedic India?

On the taxi- or chariot, what is the take on the link between the onager-drawn
solid-wheel chariot of Mesopotamia and the chariots further northeast?


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