King Shahaji of Tanjore
narayana at HD1.VSNL.NET.IN
Thu Jun 25 16:31:11 UTC 1998
Shahaji did not have an issue. He could have married again as this is
very common in those days. In some of his kIrtanas he prays to his
favourite diety TyAgarAja for an issue. I believe he died without
an heir and the his brother succeeded him.
At 07:44 PM 6/25/98 +0530, you wrote:
>There is a book by Stuart Gordon "The Marathas", Oxford U. Press, 1994 --I
>haven't laid my hands on it yet-- which might address some of the issues
>raised by Vidyasankar.
>Does anyone happen to know the name of Shahaji's second wife (and third, if
>there was one)? I know the first was Deepaa or Deepaambaa.
>Yigal Bronner.
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