Iranians in Ancient India
Yaroslav V. Vassilkov
yavass at YV1041.SPB.EDU
Sat Jun 20 10:15:26 UTC 1998
Jonathan Silk (18 June) wrote:
<Dear Yaroslav ;
<I -- and perhaps others too -- would be very interested in a copy of said
<bibliography, if you would not mind sharing it.
Dear Jonathan, this bibliography is still very small, but grows day by day.
The contributors are: John Brockington, Kaie Mochizuki, Professor Vladimir
Livshits (Iranian Studies) and Jonathan Silk.
The order is chronological.
Wilford F., Capt. Anu-Ga'ngam, or the Gangetic Provinces, and more
particularly on Magad'ha. - "Asiatic Researches", London, vol. 9,
1809, pp. 32-82.
F.Buchanan. An Account of the Districts of Bihar and Patna in 1811-1812.
Vol. I-II. Patna, s.a. Vol.I, p. 99 (Reprint done by BORS in the
Bhandarkar R.G. VaiSNavism, Zaivism and Minor Religious Systems. - In:
Collected Works of Sir R.G.Bhandarkar, vol. IV. Poona, 1929, pp.
215-221 (first ed. of this classical work - 1914).
Scheftelowitz J. Die Mithra-Religion der Indo-Skythen und ihre Beziehung zum
Saura- und Mithraskult. - Acta Or., II, 1933, pp.293-333.
Biswas D.K. The Maga Ancestry of Varahamihira. - IHQ, vol. XXV, © 3,
Calcutta, 1949, pp. 175-183.
Hazra R.C. Studies in the Upapuranas. I. Calcutta, 1958, pp. 293-333.
Stietencron H. von. Indische Sonnenpriester: Saamba und die Zaakadviipiiya-
BraahmaNa. Wiesbaden, 1966.
Humbach H. Iranische Sonnenpriester in Indien. - ZDMG, Supplementa I,
Teil 3. Wiesbaden, 1969, 882-884.
Srivastava V.S. The Puranic records on the sun-worship. - "PuraaNa", vol. 11,
1969, pp. 229-272.
Srivastava V.S. Sun-Worship in Ancient India. Allahabad, Indological
Publications, 1972.
Kawasaki S. A Reference to Maga in the Tibetan Translation of the Tarkajvaalaa.
- "Journal of Indian and Buddhist Studies", Tokyo, 23-2, 1975.
Humbach H. Mithra in India and the hinduized Magi. - Etudes Mithraiques.
Actes du 2e Congres International. Teheran, 1-8 Sept. 1975.
("Acta Iranica", 17). Teheran-Liege, 1978, pp. 229-253.
Panaino A. The year of the Maga Brahmanas. - Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei.
Atti dei convegni Lincei 127: Convegno internationale sul tema: La
Persia e l'Asia Centrale da Alessandro al X secolo. Roma, 1996,
pp. 569-587.
A final version of this list will accompany the text of a paper on a
related subject which I am working now on and hope to publish in the nearest
Best regards,
Yaroslav Vassilkov
New private E-mail address:
yavass at
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