Micro Subject Booklists from DKA

Surya P. Mittal spmittal at GIASDL01.VSNL.NET.IN
Wed Jul 22 12:33:00 UTC 1998

You are welcome to visit newly installed section called
"Micro Subject Booklists" on our website. Through this
section we shall offer booklists on very specific subjects
to meet the requirements of scholars/librarians.
The URL is:


Please excuse us for any cross postings.

Surya P. Mittal

D.K. AGENCIES (P) LTD.       Fax: (+91-11) 5647081, 5648053
A/15-17 Mohan Garden         Phones: (011) 5648066, 5648067
Najafgarh Road               Orders ->E-mailto:ordproc at dkagencies.com
New Delhi - 110 059.         E-mailto:custserv at dkagencies.com

           Our Website :     http://www.dkagencies.com
         Online Search :     http://www.dkagencies.com/booksearch

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