Roerich ( was: Transgression )

winnie fellows winnie.fellows at UNIKEY.COM.BR
Sat Jan 31 13:45:56 UTC 1998

-->As the two Roerichs are concerned, the father, Nikolas K.Roerich really
>a mystic, a painter, and a traveller in Tibet, but it was only his son,
>George N.Roerich, whom we may call a professional Orientalist, and
>a Tibetologist...
Yes indeed, but I think that his studies of Tibetan language and
culture make of him more than just a " traveller in Tibet ", an expression
which could lead to the impression that he was more akin to men like
Sven Hedin.He was much, much more than that.

The Roeriches, mutadis mutandis, remember me in love, commitment
and production much of another family of Orientalists - Jean and Pierre

Jesualdo Correia

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