A transgression?

Dominik Wujastyk ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK
Fri Jan 30 16:05:18 UTC 1998

On Thu, 29 Jan 1998, Sn. Subrahmanya wrote:

> Mr.Roerich also had property in Bangalore and a very valuable painting
> collection. He was married to Devika Rani, one of the first film actresses
> of India.
> I think the Roerich estate was taken over by the Karnataka Govt recently.

Last I knew (about a year ago) there was still a legal wrangle going on
concerning the Bangalore estate.  (It abutted the land of the school where
my children went from 1994-95, so I went past it frequently.)  I believe
that Roerich's secretary or someone in that role made claims on the
property, and as we have recently discussed, such cases are not usually
resolved rapidly.  :-)

All the best,

Dr Dominik Wujastyk        Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine
email: d.wujastyk at ucl.ac.uk      183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE, England
<URL: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/~ucgadkw/>                FAX: 44 171 611 8545

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