Vitthala, Pundalika and Panduranga
Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat
pfilliozat at MAGIC.FR
Wed Jan 28 09:08:43 UTC 1998
>I am researching a chant - Jaya Jaya Vitthala. Would anyone know who
>Pundalika and Panduranga are and what is the significance of Vitthala, who I
>believe is the incarnation of Visnu, standing on a brick. Also is there
>significance in the names? The dictionary, i.e. Monier-Williams, does not
>indicate that.
>Thank you for your kind response.
ViTThala and PANDuraGga are names of the same deity, a form of ViSNu-KRSNa.
PuNDarIka or PuNDalIka is the name of a sage devotee of the same. For the
myth and cult of this deity prevalent in KarnATaka and MahArASTra you may
Deleury, The Cult of ViThobA, Deccan College, Poona, circa 1970.
P.-S. Filliozat & V. Filliozat, Hampi-Vijayanagar, The Temple of ViTThala,
Sitaram Bhartia Institute of Scientific Research, New Delhi, 1988.
Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat
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