Sankaracarya of the North

F. Smith fsmith at BLUE.WEEG.UIOWA.EDU
Tue Jan 27 15:21:51 UTC 1998

Bijoy Misra writes:
a) the succession of Sankaracharyas is a political affair

b) India judicial system is corrupt

c) some shaven head people have more ego than humility

what is the research?

I'm just reporting, I'm not someone with a vested interest. But I might
have been unclear in my posting last night. As for Bijoy's (a): I'm not
sure "political" is the right word. Of the two claimants, one was
employing an old Skt text as the lynchpin of his arguments while the other
resorted to AcAra. These seem to have been integrated into the modern
political system so as to render it a property dispute. As for (b): yes,
the judicial system is corrupt, but that's not news. What makes this case
difficult to research, and the topic might be the interface of classical
dharma"sAstra with modern secular law, is that we have no way of knowing
how much the judgments were based exclusively on the merits of the case
and how much on exchange of money. It might nevertheless be of some
interest to a researcher somewhere to track this case through the various
court records. As for Bijoy's (c), I have little to say: everyone alive
has some ego, and many even have humility as well, regardless of hair

Fred Smith

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