Uttara Kuru

Chris Beetle bvi at AFN.ORG
Thu Jan 15 22:50:15 UTC 1998

At 02:38 PM 1/9/98 +0100, you wrote:
>Dominique.Thillaud wrote:
>> >Does anyone here have opinions on the location of Uttara Kuru?
>> >Please give your proposed boundaries and why you think that
>> >way.  I'm interested mainly in theories placing it somewhere near
>> >the subcontinent and not in Siberia, the North Pole or the Western
>> >hemisphere.
>> The Uttarakurus are clearly a mythical people (long life,
>> happiness, &c.) and searching their exact location would be pointless,...
>This is not entirely true. In Greek and Latin sources Uttarakuru is
rendered >Ottorokora (and variants).

For some research I am doing, I would like to know a reference for this.

>In the Geography of Ptolemy Ottorokora is a city, Ottorokoras is a river and
>Ottorokorai a people,

Do you have a specific reference for this as well?

>all of them situated in the southern part of Serike. Serike, which is
>definitely not China as is often thought, included not only extensive parts
of >Central Asia including Tibet, but very probably also Assam and adjacent
>The Attacori of Pliny might also refer to the Uttarakuru people and are
>explicitly identified by him with the Hyperboraeans. His description of
their >country as a valley secluded by mountains and enjoying a beneficial
climate >(like the Hyperboreans) as well as the rest of his geographical
indications >seem to me to point in the direction of Assam.

Thank you very much for your informative comments.  And thank you in advance
for the references.

Chris Beetle

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