Sindhi sailing vessels

Asko Parpola Asko.Parpola at HELSINKI.FI
Tue Jan 13 13:54:21 UTC 1998

See the following two articles in M. Jansen and G. Urban (ed.), Interim
Reports vol. 2: Reports on field work carried out at Mohenjo-Daro,
Pakistan, 1983-84 by the IsMEO - Aachen University Mission, Aachen: German
Research Project Mohenjo-Daro, RWTH, and Rome: Istituto Italiano per il
Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1987:

pp. 169-181: G. Mustafa Shar, The Mohanna: An unknown life on the Indus river.
pp. 183-185: Salma Sultana Begum, Boats on the Indus.

I used these when giving the Sindhi terms in the caption of a photo by my
photographer Jyrki Lyytikka published on page 13 (fig. 1.9) of my
"Deciphering the Indus script" (Cambridge U.P. 1994). I notice now that I
have failed to give these references in the notes and bibliography.

Best regards, Asko Parpola

>Dear members of the list,
>I am looking for publication(s) giving a general description of Sindhi
>sailing vessels of the traditional type.
>So far I have been able to find only one reference:
>Zur geschichtlichen Bedeutung der frühen Seefahrt. (Schlingloff 1982, in:
>Kolloquien zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Archäologie, München, Verlag
>C. H. Beck, 2 vols., pp. 51-85).
>--Unfortunately, the volume of this series corresponding to the year 1982
>is not available in any of the countries cooperating with our library.
>Could anyone suggest something else that might be available, that would
>provide the required information? I need only a general description and not
>detailed technical information.
>Or failing that, does any library in Germany provide the service of
>photocopying and mailing articles contained in German publications? I would
>of course be happy to pay the required charges.
>Thank you, and with best wishes,
>Ruth Schmidt
>Ruth Laila Schmidt
>Dept of East European and Oriental Studies
>University of Oslo
>P.O. Box 1030 Blindern
>N-0315 Oslo, Norway
>Phone: (47) 22 85 55 86
>Fax: (47) 22 85 41 40
>Email: at

Asko Parpola ------ e-mail Asko.Parpola at Helsinki.Fi
Dept. of Asian and African Studies, University of Helsinki

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