Help on sanskrit zloka

Joshi Rasik jrasik at COLMEX.MX
Mon Jan 12 22:15:58 UTC 1998

 Dear list members
I am currently editing and translating a manuscript of a
Sanskrit Anthology collected by RAma PratApa. Here I came
across some Sanskrit zlokas which are not clear to me. I shall
appreciate if anyone of you could kindly explain the following
one to me and also provide the exact reference if possible:

vedArdhayAntya iva te tu yapAdi yAyAc-
zAntam rasArdhanayanA~nghri vRzAkSipatram /
tad godhigArjunakareNa nirIkSitesmin
bhUyo bramiSyati na jAtvabalAdipuSpe //

I hope that I can get some answer.

Thank you

Rasik Vihari Joshi
Prof of Sanskrit
El Colegio de Mexico
Camino al Ajusco 20
Mexico DF 01000

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