Hindi and Chinese Summer Courses

Yigal Bronner yigal at MD2.VSNL.NET.IN
Fri Feb 27 17:24:33 UTC 1998

>>>Loyola University Chicago
>>>Summer Asian Languages
>>>Hindi & Chinese
>>>at loyola's Water Tower Campus
>>>820 N. Michigan Ave.  Chicago Il  60611
>>>Loyola University Chicago's Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
>>>is pleased to announce two new intensive summer Asian language courses:
>>>First-year Hindi and first-year Chinese (Mandarin).  During the first
>>>summer session, May 15-June 26, Hindi-I and Chinese-I will be offered;
>>>during the second summer session, June 29-August 7, Hindi-II and
>>>Chinese-II will be offered.  Basic writing system skills and conversation
>>>will be covered in both language sequences.  The courses will meet twice a
>>>week in the evenings (Hindi:  Tuesday-Thursday; Chinese:
>>>Monday-Wednesday), for three hours a session (6 to 9 P.M.), at Loyola's
>>>Water Tower Campus located on Michigan Avenue in downtown Chicago.
>>>Hindi:  Daisy Rockwell               Chinese:       Haiyan Fu
>>>For More Information, Please Contact:
>>>The Department of Modern
>>>Languages & Literatures
>>>Loyola University Chicago
>>>6525 N. Sheridan Rd.
>>>Chicago, IL  60626
>>>(773) 508-2850

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