Hindi-Urdu echo-nouns in v

Ruth Laila Schmidt r.l.schmidt at EAST.UIO.NO
Wed Feb 18 12:55:16 UTC 1998

Dear members of the list,

I would be grateful for references to descriptions of doubled nouns in
Hindi-Urdu of the following type:

First noun: is an ordinary noun
Second noun: is a nonsense word that begins with v (or m) and rhymes with
the first noun

caae vaae, 'tea, etc.'
saRak maRak, 'roads and highways, etc.'

--If anyone would care to send further examples I would be very happy.

--I am aware of Anvita Abbi's work on reduplicated words in South Asian
languages, but it has not reached us yet.

My apologies for cross-postings.

With best wishes,

Ruth Schmidt

Ruth Laila Schmidt
Dept of East European and Oriental Studies
University of Oslo
P.O. Box 1030 Blindern
N-0315 Oslo, Norway
Phone: (47) 22 85 55 86
Fax: (47) 22 85 41 40
Email: r.l.schmidt at east.uio.no

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