The Cat

Tue Feb 3 20:30:21 UTC 1998

Mary Storm wrote:
>There is also the story of a king of the Goa Kadamba dynasty who
>immolated himself for the sake of his pet parrot killed by a cat. The The
>king had lured the parrot out of its cage and when it was killed by the
>cat the king in remorse sacrificed himself.

Interesting. Is this told in some book of the Kadamba period?
Or, is it a folk story? Any reference?

Reminds me of the famous Chola story. A king, by the name of
Manuniithi Cholan got his son killed. Because during a chariot
ride, the son killed a calf. The mother cow came crying to the
Chola palace and rang the bell. That bell usually is rung by
a petitioner, then the palace staff listen to their grievances.
This story is told in Cilappatikaaram onwards and
pracAsti portion in 100s of Chola inscriptions.

N. Ganesan

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