creation of human kind
Wed Dec 23 22:17:49 UTC 1998
Dear Mr. Bannerjee
>The theories of evolution have much fewer questions unanswered than the
>"theories" of creation do. And unlike creationists, evolutionists do not
>pretend that they have all the answers.
>The creationist theory on the other hand is only a myth, but pro-creation
>philosophers (mostly status quo politicians and the religious right) clothe
>it in a quasi-scientific garb.
This is not true. Creation as the cause of mankind's appearance on earth has
been around a long time. If this has to be debunked I would need a much
worthier opponent than evolution.
>"Creationists for the most part are fundamentalist Christians (make it
>fundamentalists - PB) whose central premise is a literal interpretation of
>the Bible (make it Puranas or the Quran - PB) and a belief in its
>inerrancy. In adopting a literal interpretation of the Bible, they differ
>from nearly all other Christians and Jews (make it other Hindus or Muslims
>- PB). Scientists, many of whom are religious, have no wish to deny
>fundamentalists their own beliefs, but the creationists are determined to
>impose their views on others. In particular, they are lobbying to have
>science classes teach the ideas of: a sudden creation from nothing by God;
>a worldwide flood; a young Earth; and the separate ancestry of humans and
>apes.[...] And because they depend on supernatural intervention, not
>natural law, they are also unscientific.
I beg to disagree. I was born and brought up a Christian, but I have
questioned my religion many times and have always found the answers.
Believing in creation does not make me a fundamentalist. You would be
surprised at the number of scientists that find the theory of evolution
lacking in scientific evidence. I can give you quotes and books but am
unable to do at this time so since I am enroute to India on vacation. If you
want a list of renowned scientists that believe in creation, I can provide
you with one on my return.
There is no scientific evidence,
>or even an appeal from common sense or experience, to suport the
>creatinists' claims." [From Tim M. Berra, Evolutoin and the Myth of
>Creationism. Stanford University Press, 1990]\
Evolution is just an effort by man to find an answer, but it is not *the*
answer. If it is the answer, we should have no problem explaining the duck
billed platypus or similar plants and animals.
>Creationists also take advantage of the reluctance of the scientific
>community to get into raucous political fights. That's how Christian
>Council has become so powerful in USA, a country that has thousands of
>extremely intelligent scientists. The same logic could be applied to the
>situation in India or say, Pakistan or Iran.
Once again not true, since there are many in the scientific community that
find evolution scientifually and logically flawed.
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