The Aryans (again); 19th century discourse.

Paul Kekai Manansala kekai at JPS.NET
Tue Dec 22 09:11:41 UTC 1998

Ashish Chandra wrote:
> Paul Kekai Manansala wrote :
> <<<
> I believe the idea of a homeland in Tibet or Tian Shan arises from the
> geographical location of Mt. Meru suggested in Indian astronomical and
> Puranic texts. According to the astronomers, Meru lied on the same meridian
> as Lanka, but far to the north.
> >>>
> Correct me if I am wrong but the Vedic peoples' movement eastwards towards
> the Ganga river is prior to the writing of the Purans. That would indicate
> that the Vedic people moved from the Sarasvati region eastwards and came to
> be known as Pauraniks. Would that still agree with the idea of a Tibetan
> homeland ?

That would depend on the route taken from the proposed homeland.
Crossing the Himalayas is no easy task and it generally would be easier
to go through certain passes.  For example, study the nomadic intrusions
into India. None came right over the Himalayas but around them and then
down into Northwest India.

Paul Kekai Manansala

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