'Siva and Avalokitezvara

H.M.Hubey hubeyh at MONTCLAIR.EDU
Wed Dec 16 00:01:10 UTC 1998

N. Ganesan wrote:
> N. S. Raja writes:
> <<<
> Sugar is whitish, crystalline, is produced by
> boiling a liquid, is prized by humans, and is
> added to tea in small quantities.  Salt is also
> whitish, crystalline, is produced by evaporating
> a liquid, is prized by humans, and -- in Tibet --
> is added to tea in small quantities.  Yet,
> one would be seriously mistaken to say
> "salt is sugar in a Tibetan garb".
> >>>
>   I do not know if Tibetan Tea has sugar or salt.
>   Is salt added really?

Kalmuck tea (Mongolians of Russia) also has salt and cream or milk in

Best Regards,
hubeyh at montclair.edu =-=-=-= http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~hubey
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