Learning Skt, Pkt, Marathi privately in India

Ashok Aklujkar aklujkar at UNIXG.UBC.CA
Mon Aug 3 17:14:09 UTC 1998

There have occasionally been inquiries on this list concerning where in India one should go to study Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit or some modern language on a private or personal basis. In that context I would like to share the following information. I have just learned that Prof. Krishna S. Arjunwadkar is available to teach students coming to India for such a purpose. 

Prof. Arjunwadkar can be contacted at 1192 Shukrawar Peth, Pune 411 002, India (Phone 47 94 19 / 48 73 80. e-mail: <panini at pn2.vsnl.net.in>). He is a retired professor of Sanskrit and Marathi (linguistic studies), having orientation in old Sanskrit tradition and modern university education,author of several books and about 200 articles and creative pieces for varying readership, having teaching experience of over 40 years at various levels and extensive exposure in India and abroad. In my view, he would be an excellent guide for  research students in ;saastras as well as for students wishing to gain knowledge of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Marathi at any level. His areas of specialization are:  Sanskrit language and literature; philosophy in Sanskrit tradition, particularly Vedanta; Sanskrit poetics and prosody; spoken Sanskrit; Marathi linguistic studies.

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