More news about India

Jean Fezas jean.fezas at WANADOO.FR
Wed Apr 22 14:38:07 UTC 1998

At 03:31 AM 22/04/1998 +0200, you wrote:
>1998-04-21 17:08  Dominik Wujastyk, ucgadkw at UCL.AC.UK wrote:
>>There was a feature article in the Sunday Times of London a few months
>>back about child sacrifice in contemporary India.  It was linked to
>>"tantric" rites.  Can't recall the ref., I'm afraid.
> Here's an article from the Sunday Tribune of India of a few months
> back.
> Jaap Pranger
>   ------------------------
>   The Sunday Tribune, November 16, 1997
>   Tantrik father unrepentant
>   From K.G.Dutt
>   Tribune News Service
>   JIND, Nov 15 _ The brutal human sacrifice of
>   seven-year-old Shambu has sent shock waves in
>   Jambewa village and adjoining areas. People are
>   aghast at the gory episode. Reports gathered by
>   this correspondent indicate that it is the first
>   incident of its kind in the area.

If this murder it is the first (and only) incident of this kind, it has
to do with a ritual.
If there is no ritual it is not   a "brutal human sacrifice" it is an instance
of mental illness...

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