
E. Bashir ebashir at UMICH.EDU
Fri Sep 26 11:49:26 UTC 1997

I have encountered this word in a children's story (written in Urdu in
Lahore in the 1960's).  From the context, it means 'male sparrow', but I
have not been able to locate it in any Urdu or Hindi dictionary that I
have looked at.  Can anyone tell me the dialect provenance of this word.
(note that r is not retroflex.)  Thanks

E. Bashir
Department of Asian Languages and Cultures
3070 Frieze Bldg.
The University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Department Office Phone: (313) 764-8286
Personal Office Phone:  (313) 764-0214
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Note:  Area code changes to 734 effective 12/13/97

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