Qe: gandhavattvavat

Chris Hibbard/E. Stern chibbard at POBOX.UPENN.EDU
Thu Sep 25 12:51:18 UTC 1997

Some time ago (29 August), Jeson Woo inquired:
>In order to explicate that existence (sattva) is asAdhAraNAnaikAntika
>hetu, VAcaspatimizra gives 'gandhavattva' as an example in his
>TAtparyaTIkA (NyAyadarzanam, ed. T. Nyaya-Tarkatirtha,1985: 841.9)....
>It seems that the 'gandhavattva' is well-known example to both sides of
>debaters. So far, however, I have not succeeded in identifying the source
>of the example.

Within a few days Horst Lasic identified a source, and I contributed a comment.
Today I would like to give further evidence that the example was known, and
how it was understood. jayantaH uses the example at nyAyamaJjarI (ed.
Suryanarayana Sukla) 2.26.5-6:

arthakriyAsamarthasya tvaduktaM sattvamastu vA |
tadapi vyAptiZUnyatvAnna heturgandhavattvavat ||

cakradharaH explains this (nyAyamaJjarIgranthibhaGgaH 192.18-20): *na
heturgandhavattvavat* | yathA gandhavattvaM nityatvenityatve vA na hetuH
tena sahA[nya]trAdRSTeH evaM sarvasya sAdhyatvAt sattvasya kZaNikatvena
sahAnyatrAdRSTiH |

Elliot M. Stern
552 South 48th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19143-2029

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