Dravidian Cryptography
DKumar6248 at aol.com
DKumar6248 at aol.com
Tue Sep 2 16:59:04 UTC 1997
Dear members of the Indology List,
I have been asked (one of the inquirers - spelled thus in U.S.A. - being from
Germany) if it is permitted for a scholar to make a hard copy of the document
listed at < http://www.mninter.net/~kumar/ > for non-commercial purpose,
and I wish
to notify the members of the Indology List that until further notice about
this matter which, if needed, I will announce on the site of this List, it is
permitted for a scholar to make one hard copy of it for non-commercial
purpose. Also, as I have already notified, small statements from the above
noted document can be quoted for non-commercial purpose. All the rest of
copyright articles still apply.
V. Keerthi Kumar
< http://www.mninter.net/~kumar >
email: < dkumar6248 at aol.com >
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